Lovely and Pretty

FEET: jan.Prima Bap ~ Zeus and zoe DT

      Hi again everybody !! I'm back   and I just insert my time here  (I have school in this day LOL!!) First of all  I would like to thank Marivic clifton  (owner of zeus and zoe ) for making the whole DT package filled with prima goodies and this Goodies are now used in my newest prima Layout  . I...

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Say Cheese : OUAS

          Hey everyone here I go again with another mix-media layout for OUAS  and this  time I take the advantage  to make a very  embelished layout with lots of flowers from prima marketing  .. So when I started the layout I used a lot of paints and inks from different brands . First of all I used a shabby...

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heidi swapp

look Through Christmas

       Hello everyone ! and happy friday , by the way how was your day ??Is it amazing ?? Well if it is , congrats LOL!! Okay this day  was fun and very exciting because I don't have classes and most of all I have more time to post  here on my blog . Everytime I had a project I always...

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Tree~ Creative team zeus and Zoe And FSCB

Happy New year and Happy New day ..                         It's is super fun to have a holidays like this ,no school , no problems all you need to think is FUN AND HAVING A SMILE. What was your celebration did you Fire fireworks or  just eat togethere with the family ?? Well...

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